Pre-Alpha 2 (Scavenging Update) Released!

Hello everyone! The second pre-alpha build has been released for both PC and Android devices. The download link is available on the PostNomad page free of charge. Lots of changes were made, but the major new feature is scavenging. You can now send your tribespeople out to scavenge from the locations around your camp. This is an integral part of the core game loop, and will be continously refined in the future.

That is the main new feature that is noticeable, but what isn't noticeable are the massive changes that have been made under the hood of the game. The underlying code for almost every single data object in the game has been rewritten to be more flexible and more in-line with Godot best practices regarding resources. For example, enemies used to have an extremely convoluted path from the EnemyDB to the actual encounters, but I have now completely separated the game data (things like specific enemy stats) from the actual enemy game object (the enemy that you fight with its own health, combat logic, etc.), and have done the same for locations, regions, items, and so on. On top of this, I have rewritten the task code to be significantly simpler and less convoluted. This change might not be noticeable in-game so much, but I can promise that it is going to make future progress significantly faster and also allow me to do far more in terms of game balance than I would've been able to do otherwise.

If you play the game and would like to give feedback, feel free to do so either in the comments of the game's page or in the PostNomad discord at I announce releases first there, and also stream development sessions there on occasion. Anyways, that's it for pre-alpha 2, hope to see you in the Discord!

Files 14 MB
May 30, 2022
PostNomad.apk 20 MB
May 30, 2022

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